Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Patriotic Weekend (Bratislava)

So I have been super busy with travelling and exams and I haven’t had time to update my blog but i will try to update it a little bit now.

So from February 26 – 28th, me and 7 of my new buddies from VSE went to Bratislava, Slovakia. Bratislava is probably 5 hours from Prague, the city is about half the size of Praha, but it is definitely not as nice as much of it was destroyed in WWII and such. The prices were good too, and even though the currency was on the euro, prices weren’t too much more than prices in Prague.

So with this trip I literally decided to go the night before, and I definitely did not know what to expect for instance

1) I forgot to bring my passport

2) I brought my travel backpack (which was WAY too big)

So the main reason we decided to go to Bratislava was to watch the Semi Final Olympic Hockey Game between Canada and Slovakia. Slovaks are super passionate about their hockey so we figured that since we were missing watching to hockey game in Vancouver that we might as well go to Bratislava to watch the hockey game wearing our Jerseys and Canadian Capes on the projection screen in the Old Town Square with 4000+ Slovaks. It was an absolutely incredible experience the people of Bratislava were soo surprised to find Canadians in Slovakia and we got sooo many warnings from nicer Slovaks saying that many people take their hockey too seriously and that we could get beaten up. This was very true some Slovaks were quite hostel and since the game started at 4am Bratislava time (thus people had more than a couple of drinks in them), because of this (and that is was fricken cold) we decided to leave after the first period (where we were up 2-0) in retrospect I am very glad we did this as we were even followed home after the we left.

(Mike and Chris (two good BC boys), The Scandinavians, Pictures from the watching the game)

On the second day we saw the city....kinda. It was the first nice day I had seen in my month in Europe (practically t-shirt weather) so to start off the day we walked to the Danube river and had a delicious meal while watching the Danube river. After lunch we walked around the old town area, we saw the castle and walked down some pedestrian only streets. What I found really cool about Bratislava is they have lots of funky random statues like this around the city in odd places.

After this we had some traditionally Slovak food. Which is Perogies and a mac and cheese like dish (which was dumplings (thick bread), goat cheese, and klobasa). It was good and super cheap I think it was only 4 euro’s at the restaurant.

So being with 7 other heavy drinking guys we started our epic pre party. This included 32 beers 16 shots and 4 Liters of Vodka between us. We finished the 4 Liters of Vodka in under 2 hours so it was pretty impressive.

The next morning we were all hungover and just like the first day Kerry started the day by shot gunning a warm beer, which was very impressive as we were all so doneskies the night before.

The rest of the last day we just walked around the city just dying / killing time / being tired from our 5 hours of sleep each till our bus came at 4pm. This trip was quite funny as we had 7 bus tickets for the 8 of us in a full bus. Somehow we all got into the bus and the bus driver drove even though I was sitting on the ground in the aisle for the first 2 hours till we got to Brno, Czech Republic second biggest city.

Immediately after we got off the bus we went directly the Canada US hockey game final which started at 9pm Czech Republic time. This game was awesome we watched it on projection screens at our campus bar. At one half of the bar there were 70 Canadians watching the hockey game on the one projection screen, and right behind us there were 70 Americans watching the hockey game on the projection screen. When we won we went absolutely crazy, people started getting shots and beers in rounds of 20’s. After this we declared Monday was a No school day because the fact that we are Canadians so we all went to Chapeau Rouge and jersey cape and all. Once there I met a lot of Americans and I rubbed my cape in there face, all and all i had a very drunk patriotic weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Nice, went to Chapeau Rouge in your capes, if I was there during the Gold Medal game I would have rubbed it in my American roommates faces pretty intensely :)
