Saturday, May 1, 2010

Munich for Frühlinsfest!

Munich was a city I knew I should visit especially since my friend Mirko lived there so I would have free accommodation but it was never high on my list, and in retrospect I am not sure why because it was AWESOME! I went to Munich for Frühlinsfest (Springs Octoberfest), here I got to enjoy some of Munich delicious one liter beers, the carnival, and the giant yard sale (free sale after 5pm) that accompanied Springfest, and this is why I spent my whole first day in the Carnival.

What the Beer Garden's Look like

One of the places at the Yard Sale had a Canada Flag for no Reason, they weren't even Canadian

The second day Mirko, the girls, and I went and did Munich’s free walking tour, this tour wasn’t as good as Berlins free walking tour, but I did learn alot about Munich. I learned how Munich was where Hitler started his march to become Dictator in the 20’s, and I learnt stories of how much beer the people of Munich have been drinking for centuries, and we got to see the Glockenspiel do its crazy dance. After the tour, we had some drinks at a local bar, saw the Englisher Gartens briefly, ate some Pizza hut, went to the famous Hofbrauhaus for some more 1 liter beers, dipped my camera in beer and water because it claimed to be waterproof, and hit up an Irish Bar.

The Famous Glockenspiel (Video at the Bottom)
I Love Pizza Hut :)
Munich's May Pole
Mirko wearing his Leder Hosen's and Drinking a 1 Liter Beer

The next day Mirko and I were suppose to leave for Amsterdam, which when I arrived I thought the volcano would be no problem, the ash MUST be gone by now it had been 5 days..... it wasn’t. The flight was cancelled last minute so we had to go to the airport and change our flight to the next day leaving with the girls in hopes the ash would be gone by then. After the airport we headed to the city where we managed to salvage the day. We got to the city just before 3 and decided to rent bikes, this was quite the adventure as we decided to do this call a bike service where you find the bikes around the city (we needed 8!) and then call in its number to unlock it to book it. Once we got bikes we decided to bike around EnglisherGarten which is a large park, surf area, lake, beer garden, Chinese tower thing area. After the park we biked back to Springfest for one more day in the Beer tents.

On Tuesday we thought today would be the day we would get to travel to amsterdam. We checked online and our flight was still on we were pumped, but in the middle of us checking in, after she had printed off our boarding pass, she got a call... our flight was cancelled. We all had no idea what to do we wanted to get there that day we didn’t know when the volcano would settle down, so we went to the train station and bus station. But unfortunately the cheapest traveling there was for that day would be almost double of what we paid for 2 ways for just the one way trip there! We decided against it. After this we decided we would just rebook our flight to the earliest flight the next day (which happened to be at 545pm which was kinda late). That night all 8 of us crashed at Mirko’s place, it was a good night we used Mirko full kitchen (which we all don’t have in Prague,) and made Lasanga, Salad, Garlic Bread, and Apple Crumble with ice cream honey and walnuts for desert. It was tasty and we all watched a movie on my computer afterwards.

Dinner at Mirko's!

The next day the flight wasn’t cancelled in the morning so we decided to head to the airport early in hopes everyone wouldn’t show up for the morning flight. We were right, no one showed up and we got to go through check in 10 minutes and jump on the plane at noon, also we talked to KLM and I got them to switch our return flight to go directly back to Prague on the way home from Amsterdam, saving us both time and money :D!

Overall Munich was a cool city and not to be overlooked. Definitely try to drop by there for a couple days or a weekend if you’re in Europe.

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